Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Everything is working out!

This past week has been great for TRex.  Hard to believe that his training will be complete by this time next week.  TRex now tells me what he did at school during the day.  Today, his class had a football player and a cheerleader visit which he told me about plus who all was in his class today..

He was very focused at training today.  We came home for a quick snack and then went to karate.  I was amazed at how focused he was.  We had practiced the first part of Chon Ji at home and he did it for Mr. David.  Also he has improved on his balances and block.  Today a pair of the higher belts brought their sparing gear and for the first time I noticed TRex paying attention.

On the way home, TRex mumbled something so I asked him to repeat.  He said I want to fight.  I asked him what he meant and he said fight like at Mr. David's.  I asked him do you mean you want to spar and he said yes I want to spar.  I explained that he has to get to the next belt to be able to spar and that is what he repeated to his Poppa when we arrived home.  I feel like everything is finally paying off for TRex.

I talked with a friend on the way to karate and said she could come by - which she didn't but will next week.  On the way home, TRex also asked me who didn't come to karate.  I asked him what he meant and he said "Who did you want to come to karate?"  I still acted like I didn't know what he meant and he actually named her.

TRex had wanted me to go a certain route on the way home from training but I told him no because of the school zone and that we would go after karate.  I went straight home because I was caught up in the fact that he was able to discuss his wants and such as I stated previously.  As I pulled into the driveway, TRex said "Momma, where didn't we go?"  I was kind of taken aback and asked him what he meant and he said "You said we could go on Mimosa after karate."  I high-fived him and drove up to Mimosa.

Before his bath, TRex used his number wall chart and counted to 100 for me.  He also did the "at" family of words.  After his bath, TRex read his first book to me EVER - the BOB book Mat.  I would say this has been an amazing and blessed day.   I don't believe he could have done this in May before his neurofeedback training.


  1. I am so very, very glad for you both that things have been working out so well! I've been keeping up with the blog ever since you shared it with me on FB. So proud of your baby and all he is accomplishing!
