Friday, October 12, 2012

And the results are...

This week was a tough one for this specific mother.  My hope is that TRex will not be limited by any of his past issues.  I am thrilled that we can talk about things, he can tell me about his feelings, he can tell me what he did in school, etc.  However, underneath I know he is still not totally like other children yet.  The doctor had asked me to talk to  his teacher for feedback on how she thinks he is doing.
So I asked her "In your opinion, does he still struggle compared with his peers in understanding verbal instructions, staying on task, or in his ability to relate to his peers/make friends?"  In my heart of hearts I already knew the answer but still the answer was depressing anyway.

“I have concerns in the areas that you mentioned.  TRex is struggling with understanding verbal instructions, I usually do not give him more than two commands to follow, I do have to give him lots of prompts.  He is also struggling in his ability to relate to his peers.  I do not have any concerns regarding his academics – one on one he is great and he knows his stuff. “

On a very positive side, he is very bright and he DOES know his academics.  I had also had correspondence with the school’s educational lab leader.  She had attended the meeting with the public school teachers who had set his goals and objectives the previous 18 months.  I reviewed with her that TRex had completed the PPCD program and if he was going to proceed in public school he would have been discharged to general population kindergarten with only one hour of speech therapy support.  I had made the decision to continue with private school so that he could delay kindergarten by a year.

After the email exchange with his current teacher, I emailed his PPCD teachers to see if they had input.  They both said that TRex continues to be a visual learner and can master anything as long as it is visually modeled.  He will struggle for a while verbal instructions only.

Anyway, with all of the inputs, I was not really looking forward to the meeting with the doctor.  I have seen the improvements but I wonder sometimes  if I am finding more encouragement in it than is warranted.  However, even the educational lab leader said that he has made much progress.
I was very happy to see the results of the comparison of the two QEEGs.  There was remarked improvement but there are still some red areas – areas that effect verbal processing and logic.  This matches up with everybody’s observations.  I was so worried that the doctor was going to say – everything’s great now, move along.   We are moving out targeting the areas that still need help with 25 more training sessions.  And I am very happy to do so.  I am very thankful that they haven't given up on TRex.

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